Sunday, May 20, 2007

New GDI Site

Check out the New GDI Site - CLICK HERE!

GDI Provides a 10 page Web Site.

Techkat Forum is a great place to learn about GDI. Did you know that GDI or Global Domains International provides you with a ten page web site. Call Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526 for more info.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Global Domains International, GDI: The Cost of Internet Business.

Global Domains International, GDI: The Cost of Internet Business.
Compared to starting a regular, brick and mortar business, having a part-time or full-time internet business can be a lot less money. But, there are many internet businesses out there that still have a high overhead cost. It is not unusual to have a start up cost of a few hundred dollars and then to have a monthly overhead of at least $200 in supplies just to run the business. Then there are other costs involved as well. For an internet business to be successful, you need a web site. Many businesses provide a web site that is prefabricated. They just attach the person's ID number or user name to it so that new recruits can sign up in the correct team. But for that business, all web sites for all distributors are nearly identical. Internet guru's teach that it is extremely difficult to get one of these prefabricated web sites to the top of the search engines. Getting your own web site that has links to the pre-fab site is the preferred method. And so, there are the extra costs of obtaining a domain name, and for the hosting of your web page as well as any costs for web page development. There is an alternative to all of this. Global Domains International, also known as GDI, is the internet business that combines all of these needs into one extremely small monthly fee, and without a start up fee. They even offer a seven day trial period. Their product is web site hosting and domain name registry of all .ws web sites. They also provide an easy to manage ten page web site that you create for you own purpose. GDI has a track record of almost ten years of successful business and they do provide an excellent compensations plan. My recommendation for the "newbie" is to consider this company when looking for a part-time MLM home business. For more information, you may contact Dr. Steve Edelson at (813) 495-0526. You can also get more information on this topic from these web sites: CLICK HERE and OR HERE and take a look at our forum post CLICK HERE

Friday, May 11, 2007

Global Domains International or GDI: WS stands for Web Site.

Global Domains International or GDI: WS stands for Web Site.
The .com in most of the web sites out there stand for commercial. It was intended for use by businesses. It is gettng more and more difficult to get the .com domain name that you want, and so now there are different endings after you Dot. Global Domains International is the owner of the .ws extension that stands for web site. This actually makes more sense than .com. This company is commonly known as GDI. It also has a part time, work at home MLM business for those who are looking for such a thing. As an individual who has looked at MLMs and and different web hosting sites, this one rates pretty high in my book. There are a lot of good ones out there these days, but you really have to sift through A LOT of bad ones to find them. When choosing a business, one of the most important things you need to make sure is that it can offer you TRUE financial security. That means the business has to be here to stay, and it must have a compensation plan that is powerful enough to put new reps into the black fast. But of equal importance, it MUST have a compensation plan that will allow serious long-termpromoters to make as much money as they want to - WITHOUT LIMITS. Global Domains International's business plan is simple. It's based on the sale of the GDI domain name and web site package. The entire package is only $10 per month.
Everyone with a personal or business web site on the Internet needs a domain name. The best thing about this industry is that
once people have their domain name and have a web site built, they tend to want to hang on to it - long term. They continue to
pay for it month after month, year after year. That leads to a very low attrition rate (low number of dropouts), and very good long
term growth. GDI has also released an INFINITY BONUS plan. That means once you reach a certain level of success in GDI,
you will be paid on levels 6-infinity, not just on levels 1-5 as with the standard compensation plan. The Infinity Bonus has been
the deciding factor in MANY 7-figure incomes. That makes GDI the perfect opportunity for long term financial security.
Low cost - so it's easy to cover all your costs fast High 50% payout of all revenues generated Unlimited width - unlimited
income Infinity bonus for serious networkers Automation and technology do a lot of the work for you. Did I mention that GDI has
been featured in prestigious publications like Entrepreneur Magazine and the San Diego Union Tribune? Or, that they recently
made Inc. Magazine's "Top 500 List", as the 37th fastest growing privately held company in the United States - and number 5
in California? Did you know that GDI has been in successful business since 1999, but just recently launched this new division
of the company that is allowing people like you and I to earn hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in extra income every
month? If you didn't already know these interesting facts about GDI, there is probably more that you don't know.
I don't want you to pass up this opportunity unless you have ALL the facts. I'll be sending you more information in this
"Choosing a Home Business eCourse" series, but here is a web site you can look at NOW since I know you're hungry for
information! Link: The Main Company Site.
For more information, visit these web sites: BLOG or
DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526. See the Press Release. Check out the Forum Post and
This one. href=" ">Click.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Global Domains International or GDI: More than just Web Hosting.

Global Domains International or GDI: More than just Web Hosting.
It is true that GDI is the facilitator and owner of .WS web domains around the globe, but it is more. This company is almost ten years old and has set the MLM home business market on fire. You heard right! It is an MLM. GDI is a multi level network
marketing business that can be worked from the comfort of your own home, from your computer. I believe that what sets it apart is the following factors: It is affordable (only $10 per month), has no start up fee, has a free seven day trial period, has tools to help build the business, provides the subscriber with their own domain name with web hosting of a ten page web page that they can create using an easy to use web editor as well as an HTML page for the more experienced web design person, and the list goes on. When you look at the cost versus what is offered, it is no wonder why this company is taking the world by storm. The product is the .ws websites. Having a web site in today's day and age is becoming essential for marketing on the internet. Even a local brick and mortar business can benefit from having a web page. The trick is to get to the top of the search engine for the keyword associated with your business. Dr. Steve Edelson, of Tampa, Florida uses a system known as Veretekk to do just that. He says, "The system really works! My GDI business web page used to be nowhere to be found on the search engines, but now it can be found in the first few pages."
For more information, visit these web sites: BLOG or
DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526. See the Press Release. Check out the Forum Post and
This one. Click.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Global Domains International, GDI: The Web Hosting Business that Pays

Global Domains International, GDI: The Web Hosting Business that Pays.
One of the problems that many of us face when looking for a home based business is cost. It costs a lot of money to start up a business. Granted, a home based business is cheap when comparing the start up costs of a brick and mortor business, but still can be quite expensive. Dr. Steve Edelson of Tampa, Florida says, "I have personally spoken with people who have spent close to 20 thousand dollars in overhead and start up fees." Dr. Edelson has been researching home based businesses for years, and has a home based internet business in addition to being a full time chiropractor. He says that GDI or Global Domains International is the wise choice when looking for a home based business. It has no start up cost, and only has a monthly overhead of $10. The product is web sites that end in .ws, and they also offer domain name registry, domain and web hosting, an easy to use web editore that the beginner and more experienced person can use, and a terrific compensation plan. Dr. Edelson states that it is easy to build due to the value and low cost. The .com industry is getting more difficult to find a suitable web site. The .ws is almost wide open. However, GDI has been around for almost ten years and has a good track record. In conclusion, GDI is a good pick.
For more information, visit these web sites: BLOG or
DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526. See the Press Release. Check out the Forum Post.
Press Release2

Friday, May 4, 2007

Global Domains International, or GDI is what I recommend

Global Domains International, or GDI is what I recommend for you as a Home based MLM business. Dr. Steve Edelson has been investigating the effectiveness of having a home based business for the past 15 years. He says, "With the advent of the
internet, building a home based MLM business has never been easier." He suggests that a business that has a low monthly cost with a small start up fee is better for most people. Dr. Steve suggests that GDI, or Global Domains International is a
company to seriously consider when choosing a home business. For $10 per month you get a business, your own 10 page web site that you create, a domain name with domain hosting, and business tools. There isn't even a start up fee and they
don't charge you fro seven days. It is also an affordable web site with domain name and domain hosting. The web site has a web editor so that the inexperienced person can create an attractive web site for themselves, and a page for the more advanced HTML writer. With the business aspect of this, the product is web sites. Specifically they are the DOT WS or .ws web sites. It is getting to be more of a challenge to get the domain name that you want with a .com, but with .ws, you can
almost be gauranteed to get something close. WS stand for web site. For more information, visit these web sites:
You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526.
See the Press Release.
Check out the Forum Post.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Global Domains International is GDI

Global Domains International is GDI: GDI is a ten year old company that has taken the business of web site hosting, Domain Name Registry, Web Site Development, and Network Marketing to a new level. What is it that makes this different you ask? Unbelieveably it is in the ton of stuff they offer you at the amazing affordability of ten bucks per month. To start up a business these days you have to be prepared to shell out a lot of money. Monthly overhead is what usually makes a new business fail within the first five years. Many go under in a year. Even in the Network Marketing arena and the Home Business Industry, most businesses have a hefty start up fee and monthly overhead. With GDI, there is no start up fee, and as already mentioned, a very reasonable monthly overhead. This company gets two thumbs up!
For more information on this topic, visit these web sites: BLOG or
WEB SITE. To contact Dr. Edelson, you may call (813)495-0526. CLICK HERE and check out the PRESS RELEASE.