Sunday, May 20, 2007

New GDI Site

Check out the New GDI Site - CLICK HERE!

GDI Provides a 10 page Web Site.

Techkat Forum is a great place to learn about GDI. Did you know that GDI or Global Domains International provides you with a ten page web site. Call Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526 for more info.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Global Domains International, GDI: The Cost of Internet Business.

Global Domains International, GDI: The Cost of Internet Business.
Compared to starting a regular, brick and mortar business, having a part-time or full-time internet business can be a lot less money. But, there are many internet businesses out there that still have a high overhead cost. It is not unusual to have a start up cost of a few hundred dollars and then to have a monthly overhead of at least $200 in supplies just to run the business. Then there are other costs involved as well. For an internet business to be successful, you need a web site. Many businesses provide a web site that is prefabricated. They just attach the person's ID number or user name to it so that new recruits can sign up in the correct team. But for that business, all web sites for all distributors are nearly identical. Internet guru's teach that it is extremely difficult to get one of these prefabricated web sites to the top of the search engines. Getting your own web site that has links to the pre-fab site is the preferred method. And so, there are the extra costs of obtaining a domain name, and for the hosting of your web page as well as any costs for web page development. There is an alternative to all of this. Global Domains International, also known as GDI, is the internet business that combines all of these needs into one extremely small monthly fee, and without a start up fee. They even offer a seven day trial period. Their product is web site hosting and domain name registry of all .ws web sites. They also provide an easy to manage ten page web site that you create for you own purpose. GDI has a track record of almost ten years of successful business and they do provide an excellent compensations plan. My recommendation for the "newbie" is to consider this company when looking for a part-time MLM home business. For more information, you may contact Dr. Steve Edelson at (813) 495-0526. You can also get more information on this topic from these web sites: CLICK HERE and OR HERE and take a look at our forum post CLICK HERE

Friday, May 11, 2007

Global Domains International or GDI: WS stands for Web Site.

Global Domains International or GDI: WS stands for Web Site.
The .com in most of the web sites out there stand for commercial. It was intended for use by businesses. It is gettng more and more difficult to get the .com domain name that you want, and so now there are different endings after you Dot. Global Domains International is the owner of the .ws extension that stands for web site. This actually makes more sense than .com. This company is commonly known as GDI. It also has a part time, work at home MLM business for those who are looking for such a thing. As an individual who has looked at MLMs and and different web hosting sites, this one rates pretty high in my book. There are a lot of good ones out there these days, but you really have to sift through A LOT of bad ones to find them. When choosing a business, one of the most important things you need to make sure is that it can offer you TRUE financial security. That means the business has to be here to stay, and it must have a compensation plan that is powerful enough to put new reps into the black fast. But of equal importance, it MUST have a compensation plan that will allow serious long-termpromoters to make as much money as they want to - WITHOUT LIMITS. Global Domains International's business plan is simple. It's based on the sale of the GDI domain name and web site package. The entire package is only $10 per month.
Everyone with a personal or business web site on the Internet needs a domain name. The best thing about this industry is that
once people have their domain name and have a web site built, they tend to want to hang on to it - long term. They continue to
pay for it month after month, year after year. That leads to a very low attrition rate (low number of dropouts), and very good long
term growth. GDI has also released an INFINITY BONUS plan. That means once you reach a certain level of success in GDI,
you will be paid on levels 6-infinity, not just on levels 1-5 as with the standard compensation plan. The Infinity Bonus has been
the deciding factor in MANY 7-figure incomes. That makes GDI the perfect opportunity for long term financial security.
Low cost - so it's easy to cover all your costs fast High 50% payout of all revenues generated Unlimited width - unlimited
income Infinity bonus for serious networkers Automation and technology do a lot of the work for you. Did I mention that GDI has
been featured in prestigious publications like Entrepreneur Magazine and the San Diego Union Tribune? Or, that they recently
made Inc. Magazine's "Top 500 List", as the 37th fastest growing privately held company in the United States - and number 5
in California? Did you know that GDI has been in successful business since 1999, but just recently launched this new division
of the company that is allowing people like you and I to earn hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in extra income every
month? If you didn't already know these interesting facts about GDI, there is probably more that you don't know.
I don't want you to pass up this opportunity unless you have ALL the facts. I'll be sending you more information in this
"Choosing a Home Business eCourse" series, but here is a web site you can look at NOW since I know you're hungry for
information! Link: The Main Company Site.
For more information, visit these web sites: BLOG or
DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526. See the Press Release. Check out the Forum Post and
This one. href=" ">Click.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Global Domains International or GDI: More than just Web Hosting.

Global Domains International or GDI: More than just Web Hosting.
It is true that GDI is the facilitator and owner of .WS web domains around the globe, but it is more. This company is almost ten years old and has set the MLM home business market on fire. You heard right! It is an MLM. GDI is a multi level network
marketing business that can be worked from the comfort of your own home, from your computer. I believe that what sets it apart is the following factors: It is affordable (only $10 per month), has no start up fee, has a free seven day trial period, has tools to help build the business, provides the subscriber with their own domain name with web hosting of a ten page web page that they can create using an easy to use web editor as well as an HTML page for the more experienced web design person, and the list goes on. When you look at the cost versus what is offered, it is no wonder why this company is taking the world by storm. The product is the .ws websites. Having a web site in today's day and age is becoming essential for marketing on the internet. Even a local brick and mortar business can benefit from having a web page. The trick is to get to the top of the search engine for the keyword associated with your business. Dr. Steve Edelson, of Tampa, Florida uses a system known as Veretekk to do just that. He says, "The system really works! My GDI business web page used to be nowhere to be found on the search engines, but now it can be found in the first few pages."
For more information, visit these web sites: BLOG or
DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526. See the Press Release. Check out the Forum Post and
This one. Click.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Global Domains International, GDI: The Web Hosting Business that Pays

Global Domains International, GDI: The Web Hosting Business that Pays.
One of the problems that many of us face when looking for a home based business is cost. It costs a lot of money to start up a business. Granted, a home based business is cheap when comparing the start up costs of a brick and mortor business, but still can be quite expensive. Dr. Steve Edelson of Tampa, Florida says, "I have personally spoken with people who have spent close to 20 thousand dollars in overhead and start up fees." Dr. Edelson has been researching home based businesses for years, and has a home based internet business in addition to being a full time chiropractor. He says that GDI or Global Domains International is the wise choice when looking for a home based business. It has no start up cost, and only has a monthly overhead of $10. The product is web sites that end in .ws, and they also offer domain name registry, domain and web hosting, an easy to use web editore that the beginner and more experienced person can use, and a terrific compensation plan. Dr. Edelson states that it is easy to build due to the value and low cost. The .com industry is getting more difficult to find a suitable web site. The .ws is almost wide open. However, GDI has been around for almost ten years and has a good track record. In conclusion, GDI is a good pick.
For more information, visit these web sites: BLOG or
DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526. See the Press Release. Check out the Forum Post.
Press Release2

Friday, May 4, 2007

Global Domains International, or GDI is what I recommend

Global Domains International, or GDI is what I recommend for you as a Home based MLM business. Dr. Steve Edelson has been investigating the effectiveness of having a home based business for the past 15 years. He says, "With the advent of the
internet, building a home based MLM business has never been easier." He suggests that a business that has a low monthly cost with a small start up fee is better for most people. Dr. Steve suggests that GDI, or Global Domains International is a
company to seriously consider when choosing a home business. For $10 per month you get a business, your own 10 page web site that you create, a domain name with domain hosting, and business tools. There isn't even a start up fee and they
don't charge you fro seven days. It is also an affordable web site with domain name and domain hosting. The web site has a web editor so that the inexperienced person can create an attractive web site for themselves, and a page for the more advanced HTML writer. With the business aspect of this, the product is web sites. Specifically they are the DOT WS or .ws web sites. It is getting to be more of a challenge to get the domain name that you want with a .com, but with .ws, you can
almost be gauranteed to get something close. WS stand for web site. For more information, visit these web sites:
You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526.
See the Press Release.
Check out the Forum Post.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Global Domains International is GDI

Global Domains International is GDI: GDI is a ten year old company that has taken the business of web site hosting, Domain Name Registry, Web Site Development, and Network Marketing to a new level. What is it that makes this different you ask? Unbelieveably it is in the ton of stuff they offer you at the amazing affordability of ten bucks per month. To start up a business these days you have to be prepared to shell out a lot of money. Monthly overhead is what usually makes a new business fail within the first five years. Many go under in a year. Even in the Network Marketing arena and the Home Business Industry, most businesses have a hefty start up fee and monthly overhead. With GDI, there is no start up fee, and as already mentioned, a very reasonable monthly overhead. This company gets two thumbs up!
For more information on this topic, visit these web sites: BLOG or
WEB SITE. To contact Dr. Edelson, you may call (813)495-0526. CLICK HERE and check out the PRESS RELEASE.

Monday, April 30, 2007

GDI - Global Domains International Forum Posts

To read or post in a forum about GDI go to these links:

Join GDI today at JOIN HERE

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Global Domains International Website is GDI, the business to be in!

Global Domains International is the most affordable business to have when wanting to expand your business globally. I literally get people from all over the world joining me in this easy to build business everyday! And did I say that is is easy, and affordable? $10 per month - ridiculouisly affordable! BLOG or

Friday, April 27, 2007

GDI is in The TOP Four!

STOP Wasting Time Trying Things that Do Not Work!

After Two Years of research and spending Thousands of dollars, I have found The Top Four Things to do regarding making money on the internet.

And now I would like to pass them on to you.

Coming in at Number Four is LEADSOMATIC, the best tool on the Internet.
- Leadsomatic allows you to configure Your Business links and information and then BLAST out your Ad to Two Billion web sites. That is a lot of exposure! It also has an affiliate aspect to it if you want that lets you make money from it, while promoting your business. And, putting your link out there as much as this does helps with the search engine ranking. To get your own Leadsomatic portal click on this link: CLICK HERE

Coming in at Number Three is VERECONFERENCE, the best internet conference room.
- Stop training your down line on the telephone or on teleconference calls. That is the Neanderthal way! Vereconference allows you to train your downline using Audio and Visual, showing them web sites, letting you circle things, highlight and check off important points, etc. You can try this for free for 24 hours at a time. If you want to keep using it for free, you can, but you would have to fill out the form each time and answer the confirmation e-mail every time - or - you could pay a small amount and just get your own room (any size) on a permanent basis. This one also has an affiliate aspect to it and lets you make money from it as well. To get your own Vereconference room click on this link: CLICK HERE

Coming in at Number Two is VERETEKK, the absolute "must have" Complete System for building any business on the Internet!!!
- Veretekk has two systems available: A Free Silver System, and a paid Gold System. The Silver system gives you a ton of tools for success, including Both number four & three mentioned above. It gives you more than 20 tools, and free classes to educate you on What to Do and How. If you feel like you have been throwing darts while blindfolded, then the Silver System will be like using a Machine Gun and a Bazooka with crystal clear vision! It is great!! The Gold system offers you a lot more. But, it costs you $42 per month. It would be like having a Nuclear Powered War Ship at your disposal - Clearly giving you the UnFair AdVantage! The Gold System is Only for those people who are serious about being successful on the Internet. I recommend trying the Silver System first to see if you will use it, take the classes, etc. Again, these have Affiliate aspects to them, allowing you to make money from them if you wish. To get your own Veretekk System click on this link:

And Coming in at Number One is GDI (Global Domains International), The Best At-Home, Part or Full Time Business on the Internet today!
- It is the best because of how much it offers, the simplicity of it, the great compensation plan, and the ridiculous low cost of having this business. The product is Web sites that end in .ws, domain names that give you what you want (not easy with a .com), and domain & web hosting. They give you lots of tools to build your business, a Ten page web site that you write, an easy to use web editor that allows the beginner to write attractive web pages, an HTML page for the more advanced code writer, and ten e-mail accounts - ALL OF THIS FOR ONLY $10 per month. They don't even charge to a start up fee and they give you a 7 day trial period. Why take a chance on wasting time and money on a business opportunity that is in Pre-Launch. I believe that 95% of them fail. GDI has been around for Ten Years and has a proven track record! This is without a doubt - The Easiest business to build. Why? Because of what I just mentioned. I use my Veretekk Gold System and Leadsomatic to help build my
GDI business. To get your own GDI Business (or even just a great web site) click on this link:

For Years I struggled with this Opportunity or that one, trying this way to promote them or that way. The Top Four Resources listed above are the Absolute Best of the Best! I bring them to you to help you have clarity and hope in doing a business out of the comfort of your own home, from your computer. Using the Internet expands your market place to the entire world. Use these resources and have success.

For more information, have a look at these web sites:
You can also call Dr. Edelson at (813) 495-0526.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

The truly Global business of Domains & Web Sites.

The truly Global business of Domains & Web Sites.
Global DOmains International caught my ey back in December 2006. I was fed up with
having to pay too much for an at home business opportunity that was nearly impossible to build. I tried nutrition and then got into a computer game business but had limited success and spent more money than I made. I found two things that changed all of that. One of them was Veretekk. The other was GDI or Global Domains International. Veretekk provided me with a complete system for building an at home business onthe internet. It also gave me a good education and continues to provide that and more. Veretekk gives you tools for search engine optimization and business promotion. I even make money from my Veretekk system. GDI gives me a multi level business opportunity that is an affiliate system. The product is .ws web sites with domain names, domain hosting, an easy web content builder with a ten page web site that I write myself. It has a web editor that makes it as easy as typing in microsoft word so that a beginner can create beautiful content for their own web site. They also have an HTML page for the more experienced person to write code. Veretekk has taught me HTML, so I feel confident in using this function in GDI. GDI gives you 10 emails as well. Veretekk gives me autoresponders and email capture and stealth email. You can get a free silver system in Veretekk. GDI has a free seven day sign up, and then gives you all that I mentioned for only ten bucks per month. I know - it is unbelievable. But it is true. These are the reasons that I am succeeding now where I failed before. With so much value at so low a cost, it is easy to build this. For more information check out these web sites:
WEB SITE and you can call Dr. Steve
Edelson at (813) 495-0526. Dr. Steve is a Chiropractor in Tampa, Florida.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Why Go Global with GDI?

Why Go Global with GDI?
For that matter, why even bother having a home based business? The economy is not good these days. Many of us have to begin thinking about doing something. Job security, pension plans, and 401K plans are not things that we can depend upon any more. A Home Business or Multi-level Network Marketing Business that you can build using the computer form the comfort of your own home is a great solution! Where else can you start a business for less than $100. How can you promote your Home Business on the Internet? The answer is that you must have a system. Dr. Steve Edelson has been investigating the effectiveness of having a home based business for the past 15 years. He says, "With the advent of the internet, building a home based MLM business has never been easier." He suggests that a business that has a low monthly cost with a small start up fee is better for most people. Dr. Steve suggests that GDI, or Global Domains International is a company to seriously consider when choosing a home business. For $10 per month you get a business, your own 10 page web site that you create, a domain name with domain hosting, and business tools. There isn't even a start up fee and they don't charge you fro seven days. For more information, visit these web sites: BLOG or
DR STEVE. You may contact Dr. Steve at (813) 495-0526. See the PRESS RELEASE.

Monday, April 23, 2007

GDI Makes it Easy

Global Domains International (GDI), A business that Makes Web Hosting Easy. For ten bucks per month you get a home business that pays you five levels deep residual income, month after month. You get a number of GDI web sites to help you build the business. And you get your own domain that they host and that allows you to create the content for a ten page web site. You can use this web site for any purpose - it is yours. This is the best deal out there. This company has been around for about ten years, so it is solid. I use my Veretekk system to help me build GDI. The web site is easy to build, the compensation plan is terrific, and the affordability is unbeatable. Check it out! BLOG or
DR STEVE and you can call me at (813) 495-0526.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Global Domains International (GDI), Makes Web Hosting Easy

Global Domains International, or GDI as it is known, is a multilevel network marketing business. It is also an affordable web site with
domain name and domain hosting. The web site has a web editor so that the inexperienced person can create an attractive web site
for themselves, and a page for the more advanced HTML writer. With the business aspect of this, the product is web sites. Specifically
they are the DOT WS or .ws web sites. It is getting to be more of a challenge to get the domain name that you want with a .com, but
with .ws, you can almost be gauranteed to get something close. WS stand for web site. To get your own .ws web site and a great GDI
business that has a terrific compensation plan all you have to do is CLICK HERE. GDI has a
free 7 day trial period. After this, can you believe that you get everything mentioned above for only $10 per month? I know - that is
pretty incredible. For more information, you can call Dr. Steve Edelson at (813) 495-0526, or visit these web sites: href="">BLOG or
See the Press Release Press Release

Thursday, April 19, 2007

GDI - your key to a bright future!

GDI - your key to a bright future! The question is, will you use your key? Sometimes all a person has to do is use their key and the door will open, providing that you have a right key. GDI is the right key to a financial success. But it is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a part time business that requires some effort on your part. SOme people get GDI just to have a great web site and domain - thats fine. But if you want more out of life, then GDI can be an EASY part time business that can be built by working it, even minutes per day will produce results. Contact me if you would like ideas on how to build your GDI business.

Globally yours,

Dr. Steve Edelson

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Global Domains International, GDI, GDI Website, Home Business

Global Domains International (GDI), Website or Home Business? In this article, GDI is put under the microscope to determine this question. Also addressed here is the cost of having a home business. Is it really worth it?
Having a home based business has become a popular goal for people around the world. Often times this can be a costly thing to do. Some home based businesses can cost thousand of dollars to begin and operate. However, when caomparing the cost of starting and running a non-home based business, one can see that it is actually quite inexpensive.
One of the most popular trends in working from home is in Multi-Level Network Marketing, also known as MLM. People who have been in this industry for a long time know of the need for doing meetings and constantly promoting this vis word of mouth. Not an easy task. Now we have the internet, and our opportunity to promote this type of business is now Global. There are people all over the world who are looking for home based MLMs that they can build on the internet.
It is often necessary to have a web site to use for promoting a home based business. Although you can obtain a domain name, web hosting, and get a web site with good content that will be effective can all be had for a minimal cost, it doea add to the cost of running an MLM.
GDI is all of these things. It is an MLM that can be worked from home and on the internet. The product is web sites. To be precise, DOT WS (.ws) websites. You get your own web site as well. They provide a domain name ending in .ws, the domain hosting, and include a web editor that even the beginner can use so that anyone can create an attractive and effective web site to promote anything they want. And all of this is at a staggering low cost. They don't even charge you for seven days during an initial trial period. After this, it only costs a mere $10 per month.
So, how good can it be for that price? You would be surprised to learn that there are people who make over $200,000 per year from GDI. I believe that the reason is that most people are not intimidated by the cost. At that price, anyone can start this business and build it successfully.
So - I can not say whether or not starting most home based businesses is worth it or not, but taking a look at GDI certainly has a low risk with high potential for a bright future.
Dr. Steve Edelson lives in Tampa, Florida. He is a Chiroprator with offices in Tampa and Seminole, Florida. Dr. Edelson also operates a GDI business, and so speak about it from experience. You may contact him by calling (813) 495-0526 and you may gain further information about this topic at the following websites: BLOG or

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

GDI, Global Domains International, and Veretekk

GDI is a great business to be in, there is no doubt. The very best way to promote it is without a doubt, Veretekk. Veretekk offer you a complete system for promoting a business, or multiple businesses on the internet. Don't pay for leads. Instead get yourself a complete system for success with Veretekk. For you own FREE Silver system in Veretekk CLICK HERE.

Domain Names, Web Sites, Keywords

Global Domains International, or GDI as it is known, makes choosing and implementing Domain Names, Web Sites, Keywords an easy task. Depending upon the business, or whatever you are promoting, it is important to choose a domain name that fits the keywords that people would type into Google or some other search engine, if they were looking for what you are promoting. Keep that in mind. Building a web site often requires knowledge of writing in the HTML language, the language of the internet. With GDI, you can create your own content on your own web site without any knowledg of HTML. However, if you have experience with HTML, GDI allows you to write more complicated code as well.

It is also important to choose your sponsor wisely when choosing a multi-level network marketing business. Joining me in GDI gives you all of the above. You will get a domain name, a web site that is easy to build and attractive to lok at and a sponsor that will help you succeed. GDI happens to be a wonderful business in itself, with the DOT WS (.ws) web site being the product. It is becoming more of a challenge to find a .com web domain that fits your needs, as most of the good names are already taken, but with GDI you can get a .ws site that is right for you.


Join me, Dr. Steve Edelson, by calling (813) 495-0526 or by going to any of the following links:

Monday, April 16, 2007

Why are people joining to GDI?

Why are people joining to GDI?
The most attractive aspect of the GDI business is the automation. From professional presentations to the new DVD recruiting tools, people from all over the world are making a great income from GDI.
Since the business is international, your potential prospects are literally in the 100s of millions. As new people get online every day, they are looking for an excellent website domain name. Most of the good .COMs are taken, but .WS is wide open.
Plus, GDI's promotional tools are in several languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Portuguese.
As with any business, GDI still takes work to be successful. If you have no experience in network marketing, it's a great one to start with because of its entry point: FREE!
Indeed, a free trial is rare in the home business market, so it's a great selling point for recruiting. Plus, since it's just $10/month to have your own web package and the business, people stay on a long time.
For experienced marketers, it's an excellent company, too, because it has an attractive commission structure (10% five levels deep). Also, a networker can place new partners anywhere in their 5 level downline, rewarding those that are active.
For experienced webmasters, the web hosting package is not the best around, but it's certainly competitive. And for the newbie online, the site builder is robust yet easy to use.
For $10/month, with unlimited income potential, GDI makes a great choice for a home business!
For more info: CLICK HERE or


Sunday, April 15, 2007


How would you like to earn BIG MONEY -
every month like clockwork
just for telling your friends how
they can get their own web site (which is
to try)? It’s
All you have to do is pass out a flyer
just like this one to the people you know and tell them how they can get
their own web site, OR just email them this as a flyer (just replace my
user ID with Yours)!
And, you’ll get your own web site that you
can design yourself, a personalized address on the world wide
web, and up to 10 custom email
accounts. You
can start this today for FREE and we will show you how to MAKE
MONEY too! Take a virtual ride in a new Ferrari
Get going on this
not hard to do. You don’t need any experience or need to know how. (If you’re
under 18, you will need the assistance of a parent to get started, so be sure to ask Mom or Dad for help after you’ve watched the short
movie at the web site below) href="">

when you enter the site above, TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS, then: Get ready for
the ride of your life If you have questions? Email me at:

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Global Domains Website is GDI, the business to be in!

GDI is an Inc500 ranked company: #37th fastest growing in the USA

Experts predict that 500 million domain names will be registered per year within 10 years Please contact me immediately with any questions you have: Dr. Steve Edelson
You can use the link above or send an email to me, one factor that makes GDI the most powerful opportunity in network marketing history is that EVERYONE can try it FREE - including you!

You'll have 7 full days to check out what we have to offer you. You can try out our product by building your own web site at your own domain name, and even try our business opportunity, FREE.

This is unheard of in our industry, but we're doing it because we know that after you've learned more about GDI, you'll want to remain with us. You can go here to register your domain and build your web site RIGHT NOW! For FREE!

I'm so confident that I can help you make money fast, that if this system that I'm recommending to you doesn't do everything I say it does and more, or if you're unhappy with the our product for any reason, you can cancel your account and you'll never be charged a penny.

Isn't it worth 5 minutes of your time to check out this potentially life changing opportunity right now?

Get started now! If you keep doing what you're doing now, you'll keep getting what you're getting now. Nothing changes, if nothing changes!

This is YOUR PLAN. Let me help you put it into ACTION.

Email or call me if you have any questions CLICK HERE. I look forward to seeing you on my team and helping you get started very soon. Once you begin working with me, I'm quite confident you'll never look back.

Press Release is HERE

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Global Domains International, GDI

Global Domains International is the part-time internet business that ONLY costs $10 per month to run, has NO start up fee with a free 7 day trial period. Are You Sick and Tired of watching other people get rich? Here is your chance to start something solid and real that will make a huge difference in your life. GDI is so easy to build! Start Today!

Global Domains International

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fantastic and Terriffic - Global Domains

I think that Fantastic & Terrific are good words to describe GDI. GDI is Global Domains International.

GDI is a web site that you create, and a domain that you can have for what ever purpose you want. It is easy to use and even a beginner can set up an attractive web site in a matter of minutes. They let you get GDI at no cost for 7 days, and then - if you like it they will only charge you $10 per month afterwards.

Do you need some extra income? GDI offers an easy way to earn extra income (no additional cost for this). It only takes minutes per day to invite people to take a look at the fantastic compensation plan that GDI offers. They have a short movie that explains it - I recommend you watch it. It is pretty good. Go to my web page and click the Link to learn more. Here is the link for my web page:

or if you want to go right to the movie go to this link:

This is the longer version of the movie with more info.

Have a Prosperous Day, (let me know if you have any questions)

Dr. Steve Edelson
skype: steveedelson

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tools for your Business - GDI


My name is Dr Steve. Do you hate having every one try to sell you on their opportunity? Me too. So what I'm going to do is to give you some tools to build YOUR business opportunity. Check this tool out - it is fantastic This tool is called Leadsomatic and will blast out Your Ad to 2 Billion web sites for you. Have a prosperous day.

Dr. Steve


Monday, April 9, 2007

Global Domains International, GDI, Website Domain Names

I just talked with a woman who has been in GDI for 2 1/2 years and she and her husband now earn $200,000 per year. That is pretty good for a business that only costs $10 per month. I am giving away free sign ups for GDI . GDI is already a great business for me. Take a look at it, Here is the link GDI is a web site - and we all need web sites, and it can make you money too. If you do the free sign up and like it, it only costs $10 per month. Check out the short movie that explains it, and if you have questions about it, give me a shout - I would be happy to help you. Have a prosperous day,

Dr. Steve

GDI Movie

Join Now

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Well - I think it's fun. It is - GDI. A fun little part-time internet business that gives you your own, all-purpose web site that you design and write (easy to do), and a wonderful opportunity to earn lots of money. It has this great video that explains it all (I will give you the link) and even has an easy way to build this as a business. The product? The product is a web site. Everyone could use a web site. The world is running out of Dot Coms. But our web sites are Dot WS sites (ws stands for web site). And if you join me in this, you get me to help you become successful. I can only do well if you do well. GDI (Global Domains International) is free to start - for seven days. Then it only costs you $10 per month. Pretty affordable, right? Watch the video, there is quite a bit more you should know. This site has a shorter movie (less details). This site has a longer movie (more details).

Have Fun, and let me know if you have any questions.

Dr. Steve
Skype ID = steveedelson

For more information: CLICK HERE

Saturday, April 7, 2007

GDI = Freedom

GDI offers an "Invite Section" that lets you send email invitations to people you know to watch the GDI movie. The movie is so good, that most people see the beauty of GDI right away when they watch it, and they join. It just makes sense! For more info: CLICK HERE or

Friday, April 6, 2007

Global Domains International, Website Home Business, GDI

Global Domains International or GDI as it is known, provides you with the perfect
part time business. There is no cost to sign up, and they do not charge you for
seven days. Afterwards, it only costs $10 per month. For this price you get an all
purpose web site that you create and write and use for whatever purpose you
desire; you also get an already made GDI web site with a great movie that
explains this wonderful opportunity very well; and finally you get a part time
business yo can easily build due to the low cost with an awesome compensation

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Global Domains International or GDI

GDI is the part time business that I recommend to those people who are on a budget. It has a free start up and only costs $10 per month thereafter. It is easy to build because of the low cost. And it can really add up to offer you an incredible full time income by only working it part time. The product is .ws websites. Everyone could use a website, and with .ws websites people can get the domain name that they want. The company? Global Domains International. Click on this LINK to see the movie. For further information on how you can have your own GDI business, CLICK HERE or HERE

Have a prosperous Day,

Dr. Steve

(813) 495-0526

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Watch this terrific Movie all about this fantastic opportunity - Click Here

GDI, Global Domains International is just right for you.

GDI, Global Domains International is just right for you. At only $10 per month, this is the perfect part time opportunity to have as an internet business you can work in your spare time. For further info, Click Here

Check out these posts Click Here

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Global Domains International Website is GDI, the business to be in!

Global Domains International Website is GDI, the business to be in! It only costs $10 per month with a free sign up and it can pay you full time income with residual money, month after month. If you can't build this one, you can't build ANY business - this one is just too easy!!! Click Here to find out more, or Try Here.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Global Domains International, GDI, Website Domain Names

I feel pretty good about this. That is what someone recently told me about joining GDI - the Dot ws website business. Here is the link GDI is a web site - and we all need web sites, and it can make you money too. If you do the free sign up and like it, it only costs $10 per month. Check out the short movie that explains it, and if you have questions about it, give me a shout - I would be happy to help you.

Have a Prosperous Day,

Dr. Steve Edelson
skype: steveedelson

Check out Dr Steve's Page
and Dr Steve's Page

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Global Domains International or GDI

The place to visit regarding this remarkable opportunity is HERE. GDI is the business to be in. Being cost effective while offering one of the very best compensation plans is what makes this part time business so appealing. Check it out!.

Friday, March 30, 2007

GDI Global Domains International offers Solutions

GDI has registered the .WS extension. It is just as good as .com, .net, or any of the others. GDI is now offering .WS domain names for sale, and people from all over the world are beginning to check them out and buy them. When GDI sells a domain name, by the way, they include web hosting, which every website needs, and email support.


When someone goes to a GDI .WS website which sells the .WS domains, such as mine at< /a>, they are shown information about the home business opportunity. Should they choose to purchase a domain name for $10, three things happen at once.

1. The owner of the GDI .WS website they entered through (who is now their sponsor) gets a commission, and will continue to get this commission every month that they keep their domain name.
2. The person who signed up gets the domain name, the website hosting, and the email account all for $10 a month. By the way, their first 7 days is free, and they will not be billed until after that. That way, if they decide not to buy the domain name, they can quit in that 7 day trial period without being charged anything.

More Solutions

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Find the right Domain Name with GDI

There are millions and millions of people all around the world trying to find the right domain name. In fact:

As of JANUARY 1 2006, the world population was about 6,499,697,060 and growing. ONLY about A THIRD can afford a PC. There is an online community of approximately 1,018,057,389. The following numbers approximately represent the major top level domains (i.e. .com, .net, and so on) registered:


47,750,971 .com

7,377,709 .net

4,377,709 .org

2,466,253 .info

1,322,422 .us

What do you think has happened, or IS happening, to all the good domain names? Go ahead; try to find something short and sweet for YOUR business.

I create at least one new website a month, and every time, I have to search forever for a sensible sounding domain name!! I usually had to make do with whatever I could come up with after a long search. It was not satisfactory, and it was frustrating to NOT be able to find what I needed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The "perfect" domain name

...except for one important point which is helping a lot of people make money online!
When a business decides to create a website, one of the first things that must be done is the domain name for the business must be bought and the domain registered. Then, web hosting must be found for the website. The domain name is critically important for many businesses because: can tell people about the business before they ever see the site, can describe the company's product or service, and can help the website get good ranking in the search engines which deliver about 85% of website visitors.

Let's say you sell cars. What is going to look best on your business card: CarsBySue.whatever, or sidybksoekdmbcarsod9s939dby903lfjsue.whatever?

Okay, that was a little smart-alecky, but do you see my point? The domain name has to not only be as clear in meaning as possible, but it is important from a business point of view that it is easy to remember.

Which of the two domain names above would YOU want to tell someone over the phone or try to stick on a business card or magnetic sign on your car?


People and businesses from all over the world are seeking the "perfect" domain name. Even people who just want a web page for their family or to house their professional resume want something that makes sense and is short enough to be easily remembered.

"Yeah, Grandma, that's right! We just posted pictures of the new chevy at our website."

What kind of domain name would YOU want to give Grandma over the phone?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

GDI is something Special

I also figured out that most people new to the internet and internet marketing would probably be even more confused than I was, so I decided to create this little information piece to clarify things. So, I am going to talk about three things:


  1. The GDI product and why it matters.


  2. The reality of the GDI business opportunity.


  3. How to realize success with a GDI home business.



So what makes domain names SO important, and what is so special about GDI's domain names?

Let's start with some definitions:


URL - The address of a web page on the internet. One of my URL's is

Domain Name - In the example above, is the domain name.

Do you see the last three characters .WS? This is called an extension, and you have been seeing .com, .net, .biz and so on for years. They probably didn't mean much to you, and there's no real reason to talk too much about them here

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Possibilities of GDI, Global Domains International

In the last few months, I have begun looking around for a new business to promote. I rejected a great many outright and decided that a couple might be alright. I kept stumbling over one business that I never stopped to look at, made a mental note to come back to it...and never did...
Until recently...

That company is called Global Domains International (GDI), and if YOU haven't heard about it or don't know what it does, let me enlighten you, because you might be skipping over it for the same reason I did.

GDI's website turned me off!

They were too busy and they seemed to be throwing too much sales hype and "make money online" hype at me. I've been there, done that. When I go to a site, I want it to tell me in a simple way what it does and why I should hang around, and not try to talk me into stuff.

Well, after I decided to grind thru "mud and the blood and the beer", as Johnny Cash said in "A Boy Named Sue", I learned that I had been skipping over the very business I was looking for! Once I figured out what was going on and what the possibilities were with GDI, I realized that I had stumbled into what COULD be a gold mine in the making.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Global Domains Website is GDI, the business to be in!

About Domain Names, Global Domains International (GDI), And The GDI Home Business Opportunity. About GDI WS websites. How the Global Domains International (GDI) home business opportunity works, and why I am a member.
Internet Marketing Articles

GDI.WS Website

Is $10 a month too much to pay for your own international internet business with unlimited potential?


My name is Dr Steve. I make my living on the internet, and, I have been in network marketing since 1996, and online since 2000. GDI is really the business to be in!



Global Domains International, GDI

Friday, March 23, 2007

Global Domains International, and GDI Classified Listings

Check this out. Here is the last link in a whole series of classified ads all talking about this amazing opportunity - Global Domains International, GDI

Global Domains International, Website Home Business, GDI


Here are some tools to build you GDI business:



1st Classifieds

Big Kahuna



Computer Giveaway

Daily Message Online


FFA Farm

Free FFAs


Free Page

Money Machine


Spam Wars

Vacation 4 Free







Veretekk Down Under

GDI page

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Global Domains International

Global Domains International is Fantastic, Amazing, Incredible, and Wonderful. Mostly because it is So Easy, Simple, and Affordable. What a Great little part time Business!

Hey - GDI is a Web Site that you can Have, for your Own use and purpose. It costs Zero to sign up for a 7 day trial period, and then is only ten bucks per month - thats it.

It is easy to set up and use. A beginner can set their own Web page without a problem. Click on links below:


Click Here for More Details 

AND - if you need some extra money, that you can earn part-time (minutes per day - really) then GDI is also for you. Click on one of the links and see how easy it is to do this. There is a short movie that explains it (it is good). I spoke with a couple who earn $200,000 per year with this, and they got to that level in two and a half years. I plan on being next, and I would like for you to do this with me. Contact me if you have any questions.

or - Check it out by
Clicking Here (Less Details) 

Most business opportunities out there have a much higher start up cost, and usually only do well if you can promote it on your own web site, giving you the added expense of having a separate website. This business opportunity gives you a web site and your own domain name along with an exciting opportunity all for the low cost of $10 per month. It is free to join, and they won't even charge you for a week, giving you time to decide how you like it. GDI is easy to build. The business opportunity is simple in it's design, and I really liked that.

Remember to promote and build your Global Domains International(GDI)Business by using Veretekk - Click Here.





For more information on Global Domains International and GDI .ws Web Site, go to